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Screenio - field validation functions

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:04 am
by dmeenen
I have observed that in Screenio, field validation routines are not processed if the user leaves the field as is, without entering info and tabs, enter, down arrows over it to the next field.

In my Read Event - I got around this by filling in blank fields with a default value, which maybe incorrect.

If the field is "required", but left blank (lazy operator) - what is the most efficient way to force an input into the "required" field?

The field attribute is set to "X" with a field validation function.
It fires the validation routine only if you input something into the field.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:07 am
by Gabriel
Sorry for the delay, I somehow missed this message until now.

You do these kinds of validations in the write event. Check for all required fields and any other final validation you need in the (pre)write event. If a required field is blank, set exitmode back to 0 and display a message or a message box to the user telling them what's missing. You can also set currentfield$ to the control name of the bad field to force the cursor there and direct the users attention to the problem.