Trying to use BR to write a web page.

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James Lowman

Trying to use BR to write a web page.

Post by James Lowman »

I am trying to create a web page that allows a user to enter information on a forum that will be checked by a BR program then stored as a BR data file. I have tried using the Bridge but do not understand it well enough to know what I am doing wrong. I wrote the program in BR using the HTML print out to web page but can not get any Data that was entered back. If I can figure out how to share code on this forum and show some of what I have tried is there anyone out there that has the time to help me?
Susan Smith
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Post by Susan Smith »

Hi Jamie,

Unfortunately, I think you're on the bleeding edge when it comes to BR communicating with web pages. Chris Shields is certainly the resident expert on this and I suspect that not too many others have done a lot of work with BR and web scripting so far.

David Blankenship might have some insight if he happens to see your message, but I'm not sure if you're trying to do the same kinds of things that he does for his clients - it might be apples and oranges. I'm not sure that he is working with LIVE BR data over the web. He'd have to respond himself.

Other than those two, I'm not sure who to point you to. (If others working in this area, please speak up!) I know that when Chris presented the bridge at the conference, there were DEFINITELY people excited and interested about the idea. I'm just not sure how many have had a chance to move into that territory yet.

Good luck.

-- Susan
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Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:02 pm

Post by gordon »

The attached zip has a couple of examples of accessing a web site using BR's built-in HTTP facility. The UPS example may be outdated.

To use this properly you have to choose whether you are going to act as a server or a [browser/client].

I won't be able to walk you through this, but it might be a suitable topic for the spring conference. If someone wants to take that on I would spend the time to work with them.
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Post by bluesfannoz »

This project which Jamie is working on should use the Scripting Bridge, not BR's 4.2 http capability. I don't want to have to write a WEBSERVER in BR, This project needs to be Hosted by both IIS or Apache.
Steve Koger
Computer Specialist
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