
Information and discussion about setup, brconfig.sys, installers and other configuration related topics.

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Rick Graham
Posts: 45
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:50 pm


Post by Rick Graham »

keyboard 0019,000D ! 0019 = CTRL-Y = Help

I have this statement in brconfig.sys to keep users from accidentally getting into the HELP system (the ctrl key is too close to the shift key, so what is supposed to be a Y, ends up being HELP)

Most time the enter will just cause the screen to refresh beacuse the user has not completed some other field on the input panel. But sometimes the enter goes on through causing problems.

Is there away to completely disable CTRL-Y?

Rick Graham
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:37 am
Location: Arlington, TX

Post by Gabriel »

Remap it to something else besides enter. Try remapping it to "End" or something.
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