With the open format of the upcoming conference. I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread of Questions and that you would like to get an answer to at the upcoming conference. It does not matter if your attending or not. Post up your question and I will see we cannot at some point come up with an answer!
I'll start with how do I access a SQL database from my BR program from start to finish. (I already know the answer but I plan to share that with you all)
What questions do you have?
Steve Koger
Computer Specialist
Q1 -
I'd like to know how to export my BR internal data files to a NoSQL database like MongoDb.
Or even a SQL database.
It'd be nice if the process utilized the fileIo file layouts I've been writing.
Q2 -
What task management/incident/bug tracking/support desk software do you use? Do you like it? Why?
I want to know how to build a BR program that runs in a browser, and supports file uploads and downloads.
My goal is to use this information to write a browser version of my accounting system allowing subcontractors to log their hours on their cellphones, take pictures of receipts in order to submit expenses from their cellphones for reimbursement, or download/view travel related documents (such as flight confirmations, hotel reservations, etc) for Sage business trips.
So far everyone is asking for stuff thats already on the agenda lol .. gonna be a lot of happy students at this conference.