web services
Moderators: Susan Smith, admin, Gabriel
web services
Does the latest BR! code have any access to the methods of web services ( https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/Web_Services.html )?
Are there any examples or documentation on the process?
Are there any examples or documentation on the process?
John Bowman
Re: web services
The most popular underlying protocol for supporting Web Service communication is HTTP. Please note we are not speaking of HTML.
HTTP is a stateless (each transaction stands on its own) protocol for managing the transfer of data. Typically the protocol that underlies HTTP is TCP. TCP handles the reliability and user identification aspects of Internet transmission. And HTTP handles the transactions, by setting standards for controlling things like message length, buffer and cache management, and security considerations. TCP thinks one block at a time. HTTP thinks one transaction at a time. A transaction consists of an inquiry and, optionally, a response.
Web Services can use HTTP for managing it's transactions, which unlike HTML, do not imply the involvement of a human being. Web Services can handle machine to machine communication. There are several protocols that perform various functions for Web Services. However Simple Open Access Protocol (SOAP) is the most significant data formatting protocol in that environment. A description of SOAP can be found here:
https://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20 ... c478383490
As technology moves toward support for the Internet of Things (IOT) I can envision the day when a generic Home Controller will communicate with plug and play devices such as lamps or garage door openers using SOAP and the other Web Service protocols.
The BR Web Server supports the most recent HTTP protocol which is level 1.1. This includes a concept called chunking which breaks longer messages into chunks for applications such as large web pages, query responses, or file transfer. It also supports data encryption using SLL with certificates. Actually the SSL (secure) form of HTTP (called HHTPS) is mandatory with the BR Web Server. It is optional as to whether or not an application needs to support user login sessions. But HTTPS is a BR Web Server requirement with or without login support.
Laying on top of HTTP are the protocols for supporting web pages (HTML) and Web Services (XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI). For web pages the text formatting protocol of choice is Javascript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is to HTML support as SOAP is to Web Services.
The IOT industry is in its infancy right now and it remains to be seen whether JSON will replace XML as the protocol underlying SOAP. I suspect it will one day because JSON is about as efficient and flexible as any text formatting protocol can get. Note that both JSON and XML are limited to text and are not useful for formatting lots of binary data values. Binary values can be converted to text using character sets such as UTF-8 but that is an inefficient way to manage the transfer of binary data.
Right now SOAP uses XML and HTML mainly uses JSON. Both use HTTP and HTTP uses TCP.
The BR Web Server supports all of this focusing mainly on the HTTP protocol. It also provides a convenient way to parse and compose JSON.
HTTP is a stateless (each transaction stands on its own) protocol for managing the transfer of data. Typically the protocol that underlies HTTP is TCP. TCP handles the reliability and user identification aspects of Internet transmission. And HTTP handles the transactions, by setting standards for controlling things like message length, buffer and cache management, and security considerations. TCP thinks one block at a time. HTTP thinks one transaction at a time. A transaction consists of an inquiry and, optionally, a response.
Web Services can use HTTP for managing it's transactions, which unlike HTML, do not imply the involvement of a human being. Web Services can handle machine to machine communication. There are several protocols that perform various functions for Web Services. However Simple Open Access Protocol (SOAP) is the most significant data formatting protocol in that environment. A description of SOAP can be found here:
https://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20 ... c478383490
As technology moves toward support for the Internet of Things (IOT) I can envision the day when a generic Home Controller will communicate with plug and play devices such as lamps or garage door openers using SOAP and the other Web Service protocols.
The BR Web Server supports the most recent HTTP protocol which is level 1.1. This includes a concept called chunking which breaks longer messages into chunks for applications such as large web pages, query responses, or file transfer. It also supports data encryption using SLL with certificates. Actually the SSL (secure) form of HTTP (called HHTPS) is mandatory with the BR Web Server. It is optional as to whether or not an application needs to support user login sessions. But HTTPS is a BR Web Server requirement with or without login support.
Laying on top of HTTP are the protocols for supporting web pages (HTML) and Web Services (XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI). For web pages the text formatting protocol of choice is Javascript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is to HTML support as SOAP is to Web Services.
The IOT industry is in its infancy right now and it remains to be seen whether JSON will replace XML as the protocol underlying SOAP. I suspect it will one day because JSON is about as efficient and flexible as any text formatting protocol can get. Note that both JSON and XML are limited to text and are not useful for formatting lots of binary data values. Binary values can be converted to text using character sets such as UTF-8 but that is an inefficient way to manage the transfer of binary data.
Right now SOAP uses XML and HTML mainly uses JSON. Both use HTTP and HTTP uses TCP.
The BR Web Server supports all of this focusing mainly on the HTTP protocol. It also provides a convenient way to parse and compose JSON.
Re: web services
So - is this a "Yes" I can access external web services methods? That's great! Are there any examples? Do I need "BR Web Server" to access web services? Is this a feature of BR! or a seperate product or just a really good example? Is there any documentation for it? How do I find out more?
John Bowman
Re: web services
Here's an example of a function I wrote that checks the price of the passed in Crypto Coin, as of the given Date, by calling a web service hosted by the website CryptoCompare.
Code: Select all
def library fnGetPrice(;CurrencyType$,AsOfDate,AsOfTime$,Exchange$,___,Connection,AsOfDate$,P,Market$)
if ~len(CurrencyType$) then let CurrencyType$="BTC" ! BTC
let fnLibraryLinkage
if AsOfDate then
if len(trim$(Exchange$)) then
let Market$="&markets="&Exchange$
end if
open #(Connection:=fnGetFileNumber): "name= https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricehistorical?fsym="&CurrencyType$&"&tsyms=USD&ts="&str$(fnEpochTime(AsOfDate,AsOfTime$))&Market$&"&extraParams=SageLive, http=client",display,outin
if len(trim$(Exchange$)) then
let Market$="&e="&Exchange$
end if
open #(Connection:=fnGetFileNumber): "name= https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym="&CurrencyType$&"&tsyms=USD"&Market$&"&extraParams=SageLive, http=client",display,outin
end if
linput #Connection: String$ eof Ignore
let String$(1:pos(String$,"USD")+4)=""
let String$=srep$(String$,"}","")
let fnGetPrice=val(String$) conv Ignore
close #Connection:
Re: web services
This looked nifty, I decided to assign Line #'s and give it a try.
Fnepochtime is probably simple, but I didn't try to figure it out.
PRINT "Bitcoin Price:";Fngetprice("BTC",0,Time$,"")
You can remove line 60, see how quickly it returns a value, but the program loops and returns a value for 20 seconds.
It looks like the price changes roughly every 30 seconds or so (Might depend on the market).
The Connection Looks like this:
* https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/ ... s=SageLive
Fnepochtime is probably simple, but I didn't try to figure it out.
PRINT "Bitcoin Price:";Fngetprice("BTC",0,Time$,"")
You can remove line 60, see how quickly it returns a value, but the program loops and returns a value for 20 seconds.
It looks like the price changes roughly every 30 seconds or so (Might depend on the market).
The Connection Looks like this:
* https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/ ... s=SageLive
Code: Select all
00010 PRINT Newpage
00020 DIM String$*999,Market$*999
00030 LIBRARY "": Fngetprice
00040 for _Price=1 to 20
00050 PRINT "Bitcoin Price:"&date$("MM/DD/CCYY")&"-"&time$;Fngetprice("BTC",0,Time$,"")
00060 SLEEP(1)
00070 next _price
00099 STOP
00100 DEF LIBRARY Fngetprice(;Currencytype$,Asofdate,Asoftime$,Exchange$,___,Connection,Asofdate$,P,Market$)
00110 IF ~Len(Currencytype$) THEN LET Currencytype$="BTC" ! BTC
00120 ! let fnLibraryLinkage
00130 IF Asofdate THEN
00140 IF Len(Trim$(Exchange$)) THEN
00150 LET Market$="&markets="&Exchange$
00160 END IF
00170 OPEN #(Connection:=Fngetfilenumber): "name= https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricehistorical?fsym="&Currencytype$&"&tsyms=USD&ts="&Str$(Fnepochtime(Asofdate,Asoftime$))&Market$&"&extraParams=SageLive, http=client",DISPLAY,OUTIN
00180 ELSE
00190 IF Len(Trim$(Exchange$)) THEN
00200 LET Market$="&e="&Exchange$
00210 END IF
00220 OPEN #(Connection:=Fngetfilenumber): "name= https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym="&Currencytype$&"&tsyms=USD"&Market$&"&extraParams=SageLive, http=client",DISPLAY,OUTIN
00230 END IF
00240 LINPUT #Connection: String$ EOF Ignore
00250 LET String$(1:Pos(String$,"USD")+4)=""
00260 LET String$=Srep$(String$,"}","")
00270 LET Fngetprice=Val(String$) CONV Ignore
00280 CLOSE #Connection:
00290 FNEND
01000 DEF Fngetfilenumber
01010 LET _Next_File=1000
01020 DO While File(_Next_File-=1)<>-1
01030 LOOP
01040 LET Fngetfilenumber=_Next_File
01050 FNEND
02000 DEF Fnepochtime(Et_Date,Et_Time$)
02010 LET Fnepochtime=0
02020 FNEND
Re: web services
My bad. fnEpochTime formats a BR Time and date into the format that the website uses, which I believe is number of seconds past jan 1, 1970 or something like that.
Hard coding it to 0 will, as you discovered, cause the website to always just return the current price. Here's the function if you want to be able to look up the price as of a given time in history.
But my main goal with the post was to show how easy it is to talk to any web page from BR using http=client. And how it doesn't depend on anything, and its built into BR, to answer your other questions.
PS. I bet the price changes a lot more frequently then every 1 second. I bet its updated many times per second. But I don't know -- did you find that its once per second with your testing?
Hard coding it to 0 will, as you discovered, cause the website to always just return the current price. Here's the function if you want to be able to look up the price as of a given time in history.
But my main goal with the post was to show how easy it is to talk to any web page from BR using http=client. And how it doesn't depend on anything, and its built into BR, to answer your other questions.
PS. I bet the price changes a lot more frequently then every 1 second. I bet its updated many times per second. But I don't know -- did you find that its once per second with your testing?
Code: Select all
dim T$(1)
def library fnEpochTime(JulianDate;tTime$,___,H,M,S,EP,pm,epochStart,EpochDays,Epoch)
if len(trim$(TTime$)) then
if pos(lwrc$(TTime$),"pm") then
let PM=1
end if
let TTime$=srep$(lwrc$(tTime$),"pm","")
let TTime$=srep$(lwrc$(tTime$),"am","")
str2mat(TTime$,mat T$,":")
let H=val(T$(1)) conv Ignore
let M=val(T$(2)) conv Ignore
if udim(t$)>2 then
let S=val(T$(3)) conv Ignore
end if
if PM then let H+=12
let EP=(((H*60)+M)*60)+S
let EP=12*60*60 ! 12 hours into the day seems average if no time is given.
end if
let EpochStart=Days("01/01/1970","mm/dd/ccyy")
let EpochDays=JulianDate-EpochStart
let Epoch=EpochDays*60*60*24
let fnEpochTime=Epoch+EP
Re: web services
This is really helpful! When I try to run the sample code I get an error 4340 and syserr$ returns "Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)". Am I forgetting something basic? Would I need to install an SSL certificate on my machine to use it?
John Bowman
Re: web services
In this case your intent is to access web services. This can be done with HTTP client.
My earlier posting was concerning the provision of web services. For that you would need to use the BR Web Server.
You can do both in a single application but the 2 are not the same and they don't overlap in any meaningful way. Remember.. an HTTP transaction consists of an inquiry and a response. The Client initiates the Inquiry, and the server provides the response.
For HTTP Client, you will need a CA bundle named ca-bundle.crt located in the BR executable directory. This is a batch of top level root certificates from authorized certificate providers. The procedure for obtaining such bundles is described next.
CA Bundle Periodic Updating
From time to time CA root certificates expire just like end-user certificates. So it can be necessary to update your CA bundle as follows:
Download the current root certificate bundle from https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html
It will be named cacert.pem. Rename it to ca-bundle.crt which is what BR will look for.
My earlier posting was concerning the provision of web services. For that you would need to use the BR Web Server.
You can do both in a single application but the 2 are not the same and they don't overlap in any meaningful way. Remember.. an HTTP transaction consists of an inquiry and a response. The Client initiates the Inquiry, and the server provides the response.
For HTTP Client, you will need a CA bundle named ca-bundle.crt located in the BR executable directory. This is a batch of top level root certificates from authorized certificate providers. The procedure for obtaining such bundles is described next.
CA Bundle Periodic Updating
From time to time CA root certificates expire just like end-user certificates. So it can be necessary to update your CA bundle as follows:
Download the current root certificate bundle from https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html
It will be named cacert.pem. Rename it to ca-bundle.crt which is what BR will look for.
Re: web services
Thanks Gordon! I was just about to reply but you beat me to it. You also gave a more thorough answer because I didn't know the cert expires after a while and I didn't know where to download a new one. I was just gonna share mine on here.
Re: web services
oh yes - now it works! Thank you, Gordon! Thank you, Luis! And Thank you, Gabriel!
John Bowman