Does anyone here have a utility program that creates filelay layouts from context records?
Filelay layouts are used by by FileIO and/ScreenIO, and Context data is used by ODBC.
Record Layouts
Moderators: Susan Smith, admin, Gabriel
Re: Record Layouts
yes .. i remember writing such a program for you. ill have to check to find it.
Re: Record Layouts
Ahh found it. It says it was authored by Chris. I'm going to add that function to the context manager.
While I'm at it .. what do you do to partially upgrade legacy programs (with ScreenIO) that don't run in GUI mode? Do you need to switch to GUI mode in order to utilize ScreenIO?
While I'm at it .. what do you do to partially upgrade legacy programs (with ScreenIO) that don't run in GUI mode? Do you need to switch to GUI mode in order to utilize ScreenIO?
Re: Record Layouts
Screenio will automatically turn gui on and then turn it back off when it returns to your calling program.
i believe there is some experimental code in there to attempt to redraw your non-gui screen but if it doesn't work then you may have to redraw your screen yourself.
i believe there is some experimental code in there to attempt to redraw your non-gui screen but if it doesn't work then you may have to redraw your screen yourself.
Re: Record Layouts
Have you considered using an independent (Parent=NONE) window and not affecting the non-GUI window?
So if I wanted to convert some lookup sub-windows to ScreenIO, they would pop up and then go away.
So if I wanted to convert some lookup sub-windows to ScreenIO, they would pop up and then go away.
Re: Record Layouts
When using ScreenIO, its up to the programmer to decide if they want a Parent=NONE window. Sometimes, a PARENT=NONE window is appropriate for a given situation, and sometimes it isn't.
If the screen you're designing is to be a popup, you can make it a PARENT=NONE window by specifying PARENT=NONE in the ATTRIBUTES field in the Window Attributes part of the tool bar (in the upper left corner of the ScreenIO Designer).
However, in BR, GUI MODE is a setting that affects your entire BR session, and it still must be turned on in order to even make a PARENT=NONE window. So your non-gui window will still be erased when GUI is turned on and then back off.
Have you considered making BR itself redraw the non-gui screen at the moment that GUI MODE is turned back off? That seems like it might be the only way to fix this.
If the screen you're designing is to be a popup, you can make it a PARENT=NONE window by specifying PARENT=NONE in the ATTRIBUTES field in the Window Attributes part of the tool bar (in the upper left corner of the ScreenIO Designer).
However, in BR, GUI MODE is a setting that affects your entire BR session, and it still must be turned on in order to even make a PARENT=NONE window. So your non-gui window will still be erased when GUI is turned on and then back off.
Have you considered making BR itself redraw the non-gui screen at the moment that GUI MODE is turned back off? That seems like it might be the only way to fix this.