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Search field, grid, fkey

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:01 am
by Larry TIetz
I have been able to connect a search box with my grid. I allow users to click on a hot button which generates an fkey that i turn into a number. However, the search box is exited and i don;t know how to show the result inthe seardch box and return program to that search box. The program advances into the grid.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:11 am
by Gabriel
You can place the cursor in the search box using Curfld, like any other control. Also, you can just Print Fields (or Rinput Fields) whatever information you want back into the Search Box.

Also, now that ScreenIO v 1.0 ( ) is completed (Thanks in part to support from Susan Smith of Creatively Speaking), ScreenIO is the absolutly easiest way to make a listview with a search box.


Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:38 am
by John
remember to notify the user somehow that they are searching the last sorted column or aggressively re-sort the grid by the column that you want them searching

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:48 am
by Gabriel
I have just been teaching my users how Search Boxes work, and they love them.

I sort the search box initially on the first column the list should be sorted on. Then I only have to explain once to my customers that the search box is tied to whatever column they click on, and now they want search boxes everywhere.

I haven't had to notify them, and they don't forget how they work either, because they use them so much that its always fresh in their mind.

They used to have Search Programs. Talk about something complicated to use. They would have to enter the Search Program on the menu, (there was one program for Searching for a Client by Last Name, and another program for Searching for a Client by Street), enter the information they are trying to find, wait while it searches for it, write down the account number that comes up, go back to the menu, come into the Client Update program, enter that account number in here, and use it.

Now, they just see a list of all accounts, and enter the Account number in the search box to jump to a specific account by number the way they always did.

If they want to search by last name, or by street name, they just click on the respective column and instantly the search box is tied to that new field. Only now they can search on anything in the listview, whereas before they were limited to Lastname and Street, and they had to write a new program for each new thing they wanted to search on.


Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:01 am
by John
Very nice Gabriel! Sounds like a super improvement on the old method. I took advantage of the help text to let them know that it searches the last sorted column. That seems to be going pretty well - no questions yet that I know of.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:05 am
by gtisdale
I think search boxes are great. However, I've been using a function to perform searchhes that is not dependant on what column you last clicked nor that the search only works from the beginning of the field.

In my preferred search you simply press F2 while looking at a listview/gridview and a window opens asking for the search string. Press enter and you are taken to the first item that matches the string (case insensitive). If that is not the one then simply press F3 and you go to the next and the next etc. when you hit the end it recycles to the first and continues looping until you press ENTER to select the item. The string match can be anywhere in the cell, not just the start of the cell.

The set of functions searches multiple arrays, both string and numeric.