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WIN:/PrinterName vs. WIN:/SELECT

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:31 pm
by John
I'm having an issue where printing via WIN:/PrinterName comes out condensed on the first print job (but not consecutive) while the same printing to WIN:/SELECT always works.

I've paused the program right before the close #255: and compared the spool files made and they are exactly the same.

Does any one have any ideas why this might make a difference?


Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:54 pm
by gtisdale
There is probably something in the printer name that is causing your PRINTER.sys or PRINTER.cls to initiate a PRINTER INIT statement that is causing the problem. I used to get this on dot matrix printers.

Use CONFIG PRINTDIR to set a print queue to hold the print job before it is sent to the printer. Then you can use a text editor to look at the pre-print job before BR sends it to the printer. Look at the characters at the front end of the job to see what is getting in there.

CONFIG PRINTDIR will make BR place the printjob in the named directory with the name of the program and WSID as the file name. You can then see exactly what's going on.


Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:32 am
by John
Thank you George. I'll give this a shot today!
