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Re: Wiki Down?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:42 am
by GomezL
The tool is very nice, but BR also provides error description internall.

ERR - BR Error
LINE - Program Line
BRERR$ - English Description for last BR Error
BRERR$(Error) - English Description$ for a specific error.
SYSERR$ - English Description for "System Errors" (Secondary Message)


Here is a nifty little program to build a text file with all the errors.

Code: Select all

00010   LET Tab$=Chr$(9)
00020   DIM Brerror$*999
00030   OPEN #1: "name=BR_Error.txt,recl=3200,replace",DISPLAY,OUTPUT 
00040   FOR Err_Num=1 TO 9999
00050     LET Brerror$=Brerr$(Err_Num)
00060     IF Brerror$(1:21)<>"Unknown BR error code" THEN PRINT #1: Err_Num;Tab$;Brerror$
00070   NEXT Err_Num
00100   CLOSE #1: 
00110   EXECUTE "sys start BR_Error.txt"